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Tips for Facilitators

After each session, the facilitator should write down some notes about lessons learnt or other interesting discoveries made during the sessions which will help in the next training session.

A successful facilitator will:

  1. Read the trainer manual beforehand.
  2. Understand the structure and flow of each session.
  3. Have both counseling cards and training manual with him/her at the time of training.
  4. Ensure availability of the materials and supplies that will be used during training sessions.
  5. Organize the seating arrangements for training sessions before time.
  6. Prepare and organize slides and flip charts before every session and explain them in detail.
  7. Allow every participant an equal chance to share his/her views and listen to them carefully.
  8. Create a friendly environment and use three steps of ABC counseling during each session.
  9. Provide positive feedback and try to avoid negative criticism.
  10. Follow the agenda of training.
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