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Key Messages

  • A family can provide a safe place for its members to share feelings, thoughts, ideas, fears and hopes.
  • Parents should try to find time to talk with each person alone, and together as a family.
  • When you are angry and most worried, it is especially important to plan a few minutes when everyone can be together.
  • A few minutes spent at the end of the day just talking about how things have gone that day and planning for tomorrow can be a relief from stress. Be sure to save difficult problem solving conversations for times when you are not tired.
  • In Pakistan a lot of children live in extended families especially in rural areas. Grandparents, aunts and uncles as well as older siblings take care of young children.
  • Therefore, it is very important to discuss the role of families in childhood development and care and responsive care giving.
  • The bond children develop with their parents/caregivers and families help them to feel secure and protected.
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